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EMAC 2021 Annual Conference

Who runs the company The eminence role of leaders in the implementation of remuneration strategy

Published: May 25, 2021


Behnoush Kangarlou, University of Barcelona; Rubén Huertas-Garcia, University of Barcelona – UB


In the current global business environment, remuneration strategy is becoming more critical as it has a direct effect on human capital efficiency and consequently on the objectives of the enterprise. Defining an adequate remuneration strategy requires a precise analysis of human capital behavior. This analysis is influenced by different factors. In this context, we corroborate the vital role of a leader to synchronize the remuneration strategy. Besides, how this authority can be moderated by the personality trait of leaders. Furthermore, through an experiment, we analyze different evaluation criteria of human capital in a business firm and how it affects the implementation of the remuneration strategy and how remuneration strategy can contribute to achieving short and long term objectives.